The Bandojo Project has spanned several years. Many contributors participated along the way. The list below is representative of a few of those who have had some role in its development.

PanaiotisInventor of Bandojo. Primary Bandojo software developer. Composer. Founder, CEO and primary shareholder of PanMuse, LLC.
Lisa Renee MaynesMajor co-developer, Product Architect and CTO of PanMuse, LLC.
Troy LapsysVP Business Development of PanMuse, LLC.
Andrew StoneDeveloper of first Bandojo port to iOS.
Brian StinarDeveloper of initial effort to port Bandojo to Windows.
Tanda Headrick
(Vanguard Technologies)
Co-designer and fabricator of “Ogre” Touch Board and Touch Board for the visually impaired.
Andrew MunroIllustrator, graphic designer.
Alec LopezGraphic Designer.
TRECNew Mexico Technology Retirees Economic Catalysts
Michael Murphy(TREC) Capacitive touch sensor optimization and electronic circuit guru.
Larry Walker(TREC) Capacitive touch sensor optimization.
Kelly CockrellPhotography. Graphic design. Web design.
Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails, Inc.
Anthony SalvagnoOrganized Bandojo/STEM workshop at New Mexico Trails (girl scouts) who designed and fabricated Dr. Who inspired touch board.
Michele McKenzieRecreation Therapist, Spinal Cord Injury & Disease, New Mexico VA Healthcare Systems
Implemented a Bandojo system at the VA hospital
Ron AndersonCarpenter and cabinetmaker. Made frames for earlly Touch Boards.
Alexander Maynes-PointonRoadie. Student intern. Fabricator of some prototype Touch Boards.
PanMuse, LLCAdditional members: Travis Kellerman, Brian Pilegrene, Scott Westerfield, Michael Sanchez.
STC.UNMTech transfer corporation for University of New Mexico.